What is Alkaline Water

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Alkaline water is a special kind of water which has a higher level of pH compared to normal water. The pH scale measures how acidic or basic a substance can be; it shall range from 0 to 14. Pure water is considered to have a neutral pH hence, equal to 7. Alkaline water has a pH of 8 or 9.

Naturally, alkaline water contains alkaline minerals, which are effective in pushing the pH value up. Commonly contained minerals are calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Many believe that they add great health-added value to a person's body. Therefore, people do ionisation to increase the pH in water.

Why Alkaline Water is Becoming Popular?

Alkaline water has become popular in the last few years. It has a few differences from regular water, making it quite appealing to most health enthusiasts. Growth in health and fitness trends has increased awareness about alkaline water in the market. Every individual is constantly looking for an improved health status.`
Promised to offer several benefits that regular water cannot, alkaline water is believed to help hydrate, give more energy, and even improve digestion. One reason for its success is the booming health products market. Alkaline water is usually marketed as a premium product, which attracts consumers interested in investing in their health. However, not all of its claimed advantages have been verified by studies.

The Science of Alkaline Water

There is so much science that surrounds alkaline water explaining its benefits. pH level in water means the acidity or alkalinity of it. The body regulates a pH balance in the blood of approximately 7.4; this looks slightly alkaline. Consequently, alkaline water contains a higher pH that people believe helps neutralise the acid in the body.

These are good minerals for total health, and they can be obtained by drinking alkaline water:

  • Alkaline water helps to alkalize the body.
  • Calcium supports the health of the bones.
  • Potassium is useful for the normal activity of muscles.
  • Magnesium is used in over 300 different enzymatic reactions in the body.

The Process of Creating Alkaline Water

Alkaline water can either be produced naturally or created artificially, and these production methods have different respective styles and benefits.

Natural Methods of Alkalizing Water

In most cases, when water flows over the rocks, it collects all their minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, and others, which sum up the general pH level of the water to the alkaline region. Naturally alkaline water is rich in minerals which favour human health.

Artificial Ways of Water Alkalizing

Other common methods of artificially preparing alkaline water are water ionizers, alkaline filters, and the addition of alkaline substances.

Water Ionizers

Water ionisers raise the pH of water by using electricity. The process leads to the splitting of water into an acidic and an alkaline portion, with the latter being used for drinking.

  • Ionizers use a very low amount of current.
  • Ionizers can be installed at home.

Alkaline Filters

Alkaline filters add minerals to the water so as to increase the pH value. The filters can be attached to the normal water dispensers or pitchers.

  • Simple filters to install and operate.
  • Less expensive compared to ionizers.

Adding Alkaline Substances

The alkalinity of water can be increased by adding substances such as baking soda and lemon juice. Baking soda is an alkaline compound, having the property of increasing pH in the water directly. Lemon juice is acidic but, after its metabolisation in the body, it acts as an alkaline.

  • This is a simple and quick method.
  • Baking soda and lemon juice are easily available to everyone.

Comparison of Methods


Ease of Use


Mineral Content


Natural Sourcing





Water Ionizers





Alkaline Filters





Alkaline Substances

Very Easy



Very High

Distinctive Qualities of Alkaline Water

It is stated that the properties of alkaline water are what characterize it differently from normal water, and hence the reason why people are opting for it. However, research does not support all of its stated benefits.

Higher pH Level: The primary characteristic of alkaline water is its increased pH level. A healthy pH level for normal water is 7. For alkaline water, the pH level is between 8 and 9. This higher pH might have the potential for health improvement by way of neutralizing acids in the body.

Mineral Content: Alkaline water is also rich in healthy minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. All of these are ideal and play a crucial role in the maintenance of the health of the bones, muscles, and even the hydration of the body.

Potential Health Benefits: Alkaline water can provide health benefits other than just hydration. Some of the potential benefits of alkaline water are:

  • Enhanced Hydration: Alkaline water comes with electrolytes which helps in enhanced hydration.
  • Acid Neutralisation: The alkaline nature of water can neutralise the extra acid in the stomach, which partially saves it from acidic consequences.
  • Antioxidant: Some studies have suggested that alkaline water has some antioxidant properties minimizing cellular damage.

Taste and Texture: The flavour of alkaline water is often more pleasant than that of normal water. Its increased pH and mineral content are the causes of this. This tastes better to a lot of individuals, who prefer it over ordinary water.

Electrolytes: The electrolytes found in alkaline water are really important in the fluid balance in the human body. These are important for nerve and muscle functions. Ingestion of alkaline water can replenish electrolytes lost during sweating and exercise, which is why athletes drink this kind of water.

Practical Tips for Incorporating Alkaline Water into Your Diet

Start Slowly: It is recommended to start with drinking a small amount of alkaline water per day and then gradually increase intake. This way, the body gets to acclimatise to it and will be kept away from future digestive discomforts.

Use It in Daily Activities

Use alkaline water daily in your activities. Here are some:

  • Cooking: Rice, pasta, and soups will taste much, much better when cooked with alkaline water.
  • Coffee and Tea: For a more delicate flavour, brew your tea or coffee using alkaline water.
  • Smoothies: Add alkaline water for an extra boost in hydration.

Monitor Your Body's Response: Observe how your body reacts to alkaline water. Some even feel the effects of hydration and enhanced digestion. Be sure to consult with your health professional if there are any negative side effects.

Disclaimer: This article does not intend to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The potential benefits mentioned are based on anecdotal evidence and limited studies, and further research is needed to substantiate these claims.